Ever since they were introduced, Facebook groups have gone through multiple updates. They are much better and optimized than when Facebook first introduced groups. Currently, there are numerous features of a Facebook group that makes it easier for group members to engage with one another. You can hold discussions and start conversations with other members about topics you are passionate about. You can also hold polls, express opinions, and even share pictures and videos you like on the group. However, isn’t it a shame if your friends share their details and discuss topics you are also interested in on groups you are not a part of? You wouldn’t want to miss out on that – hence, we have compiled this guide to help you discover what groups your friends are in, so you can also join them and have fun!

How is a Facebook Group Different from Pages?

Most people confuse Facebook groups with Facebook pages – and believe they are on the same platforms as their friends. However, Facebook groups and pages are completely different from each other. Unlike Facebook groups, Facebook pages are always public. When you interact with page posts, your information is available to the public – whether they have liked a certain page or not. Moreover, only page admins can make posts on a page, while on Facebook groups, any member can post what they like. So it is easy to know which of your friends are following the same Facebook pages as you but not as easy to find what Facebook groups they are in.

Different Types of Facebook Groups

There are three types of groups on Facebook, and depending on the type of group, you can find out about the group members.

Public Groups

Public groups are also called open groups because they are accessible to anyone with a Facebook profile. Whatever you post on an open Facebook group can be viewed by the public. You can also find the group posts in your newsfeed or just search and view them from your Facebook search bar. Moreover, you can also view all the members of a public group. And whether or not you join the group, you interact with the posts that group members have made and mention your friends in those posts– even if they are not members of the group.

Private Groups

Private groups are closed groups, and the public views these groups’ content. These groups have viewership restrictions, and only members can make and interact with group posts. However, these groups are searchable – you can write their name and search them in the Facebook search bar. You can also request to join these groups, and only admins or an existing member can approve your request to become a group member.

Secret Groups

These groups are hidden groups – and not many know about them. In fact, most Facebook users don’t even know secrets groups even exist. These groups are like private groups, except that they are not searchable. You can not find out about them unless an existing member puts in a request to add you or you stumble upon it from somewhere.

How To Know What Facebook Groups Someone Is In?

If you want to discover new groups and know what groups your friend is in, there is an easy way.

How To See Groups My Friends Are In?

How To See If My Friends Are in a Certain Group?

How To Find Out Which Groups a Certain Friend Is On?

Earlier, Facebook introduced Graph Searches; this allowed users to search particularly about a certain Facebook friend to find what groups they were members of. It was simple; all you had to do was search “Friends name, Groups,” and you would get a list of groups they are a member of. However, Facebook has recently removed the functionality of this feature due to privacy and security concerns. So if you find articles that recommend this technique, just know the information is outdated, and there is no way you can get a list of groups a certain person has joined.


Facebook groups are getting more and more popular by the day; netizens now enjoy sharing and interacting more on Facebook groups than they do on Facebook pages or even on their timeline. If you want to find new pages to join, you can discover them on the “Groups” tab, and you’ll find numerous recommendations by Facebook according to your interests. Otherwise, you can also take help from your friends. You can either see what groups they are on and send requests to join them or ask your friend to invite you to groups of your interest.

How To See What Groups Someone Is In on Facebook - 59How To See What Groups Someone Is In on Facebook - 72How To See What Groups Someone Is In on Facebook - 44How To See What Groups Someone Is In on Facebook - 8How To See What Groups Someone Is In on Facebook - 28How To See What Groups Someone Is In on Facebook - 4How To See What Groups Someone Is In on Facebook - 92How To See What Groups Someone Is In on Facebook - 7